Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ah, the details...Don't sweat the small stuff?!

Every so often I get absolutely obsessed with jumping through and back. I can jump through with shins crossed and I can jump back with a tiny pause where my toes touch the mat. So, you can guess that I have been reading the blog "Ashtanga Jump Back" often :)

Yesterday he posted a video by Sadie Nardini that demonstrates "Shakti" kicks that can help build strength for jumping back and through, and floating in general. So I watched it, and then I watched many many others of her videos on You Tube. Fun stuff. I did the kicks yesterday, and I am super sore in my serratus anterior muscles, and other back and shoulder muscles. It's so funny, I know that floating is not important, I have developed perfectly acceptable modifications so that I don't lose my flow in the practice....but when I see someone doing it, I want it so bad!

We will see how long this phase lasts this time :)


Anonymous said...

Guess the subject was in the planets because on the other side of the planet, I was surrounded by a heated debate on jumping...

Elaina said...

Elise, enlighten me! What was the debate about? Give me advice ! :)

alfia said...

I get obsessed with jumping too! Only I tend to overdo it, and then my psoas hurts and I have to let go for a long time. Not much progress to report.
I like Shakti kicks! Do 15 of them every day. :)