Friday, August 31, 2007


I am actually going to blog about my practice! It has been a while since I did that, but that is because there hasn't been much to blog about until recently. Hmmm...didn't think I'd ever use blog as a verb...but there I go.

Anyway, I have been practicing through Janu Sirsasana C lately. I'm nervous about entering the Marichiyasanas because of the twists, it will be interesting to see how my upper back holds up. Although parivrtta trikonasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana haven't been bothering it.

It feels really good to have that as a constant in my life right now. I was feeling a little down about not practicing full primary, and M (my teacher) told me that I shouldn't worry about it because I am just getting back into things, and that coming everyday is enough. She is right about that.

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