Thursday, April 10, 2008

Homesick for a place I've never been (and for one that I have)

I've been reading A LOT lately. I wasn't a reader really, until a couple of weeks ago. Except for a few phases in high school, I would read what I had to to get by in my classes and at work. But something happened and now I'm insatiable. Ordering books off Amazon in groups :) Groups of Neuroscience books, and groups of Yoga books, and mixed groups, oh my!

One common theme of my yoga related readings is the pilgrimage. I'm reading about these personal quests, and I have a longing to go on one myself. That is very much not an option right now, so I read about others', but it really feels like homesickness. I'd love to travel to an Ashram and study/practice yoga for months on end, but with a year left on my PhD, that is not an option. The funny thing is, I read these books because of my homesickness, and they only make it worse. Maybe I could take a pilgrimage without going anywhere, but that seems so much harder.

My husband and I are traveling back to Chapel Hill in just over a week. It is where we met, and where we dated, and where he proposed. It's no surprise that I have very fond memories of it. I'm homesick for that place, too. We have even been discussing moving back there once we have both graduated. Just the thought of it puts a smile on my face. The best part is that we are going there for a reunion of our friends from college. It will be like old times :)

Short practice last night. Still tight hamstrings and hip flexors, but I do feel a stability in my pelvis that hasn't been there before.

Tonight we are going to see The Kids In The Hall on tour. Really looking forward to that, it should be a good laugh. And apparently if you hang out after the show, they come out to sign things and take pictures with you!

1 comment:

alfia said...

First there is thesis, then there is a postdoc opportunity, and then there is real work. Trust me, there is never time off in science. Unless you are a professor and take a subbatical or something.... :(