Tuesday, April 1, 2008

On the Roster

I'm officially on the schedule at my favorite studio in town. It's a large studio, with four locations, 129 teachers total! It is an honor to be part of the community. However,......

I'm a brat and still found a reason to be unhappy with it. They gave me a Hatha class. I wanted to teach an Ashtanga class, but we have many many talented Ashtanga teachers, and I'm the new kid on the block. They all returned, so no Ashtanga class for me.

I can think of many reasons why I'll enjoy teaching Hatha, but it feels weird to teach something I don't practice. And yes, I realize Ashtanga can be considered a form of Hatha yoga, and that I can teach the same asanas....but I feel out of my element just the same. The mentality of the students is a bit different, and I'm afraid I won't be able to relate to them as well. I'm surprised by my own prejudice.

I can't help but think this must be happening for some reason. And in the past I've really enjoyed teaching Hatha classes, so I'm going to go forward whole-heartedly :) I feel really lucky to be able to bring yoga to anyone, in any form.

Enough ranting and raving. Namaste.

1 comment:

alfia said...

Morning, Elaina:

I think that teaching Hatha yoga is a lot of fun. Lots of eoom for creativity, right? A lot fewer type A personalitites among the students, too. I am sure you will do beautifully! :)