Today will be the fourth consecutive day of getting back to my
Ashtanga practice. I was amazed at how much strength and stamina I had lost over the past several months of not practicing; however, I am equally amazed how fast it is coming back to me. On day one, I was winded during Surya
Namaskara B, had trouble even lifting up, much less jumping back during the primary series, and could not lift my toes off the ground to come into
sirsasana with straight legs. Yesterday (on day 3) I made it through standing before breaking a good sweat, could lift my legs halfway up to
sirsasana, and can do a two-part jump back during
vinyasas where my feet momentarily support my weight on the way back. This progress is propelling me forward, and I find myself daydreaming about the practice during the day. I missed the physical practice, but even more I missed the
commitment and the mental aspects that inevitably come along with it.
I do notice that I am tired during the day, just like I was when I first began practicing Ashtanga yoga. I sleep really deeply at night, and feel in general a bit run down. I remember this takes a little while to pass, but that it eventually does. Can't wait to leave work, and get onto the mat.