Monday, May 7, 2007

Yoga, Yoga, and More Yoga!

This weekend was teacher training, we have been together as a group for a while now, and have grown really close. This process has been extremely transformative for me, and I believe I have made some life long friends. Shout out to my Kula if any of you are reading! :)

Morning mysore was rough today. I guess from sitting around in training all weekend I tightened up...My shoulders in Prasarita Padottanasana C were "as if someone had filled them with cement". Someone on said it that way once, and I liked it. I'm hoping to be a bit more limber tomorrow. Mary suggested to me last week that I drink more water to help with my stamina, and boy has it! It's interesting to me how we forget how essential water is...keeps us energized, allows us to detoxify, fights depression and anxiety, keeps our skin soft and supple, etc, etc, etc,... and I still lapse in drinking enough. My new mission is to carry a bottle with me everywhere :)

I'll write more soon, I'm swamped and want to fit in posts as often as I can, but they may be a wee shorter for a little while :)


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