Sunday, February 25, 2007

Early Morn Mysore with David Swenson

Okay, so I know this is a little illegal, but I usually practice (led and mysore classes) in the late afternoon/evening....So waking up at 6 this morning to go to David Swenson's mysore class was a little unnerving...I was extremely worried about being to stiff and sleepy to practice.

Turns out, it went really well, and it was really nice to have the whole day ahead of me after practice. I was a little sore for the rest of the morning, but I felt so much more relaxed and healthy for the rest of the day.

The class was really fun, David brought his wife Shelly, and they co-taught the class. I felt like I was adjusted at least every other posture! Mari D was a challenge, I'm thinking because of the time of day, and Supta K was damn near impossible, even with Shelly pulling my hands together. I loved the experience, and it made me realize how much I crave to study with an advanced, experienced teacher....


Lees Lamar said...

Since when did practice in the evening become
The ashtanga police don't exist. They are not real.
Really. They aren't.

Elaina said...

Read as "illegal" with a hint of sarcasm:)

CJ said...

Guruji didn't say it was illegal, he just said "breakfast, small small lunch, dinner".

Yogamum said...

Sounds like a great class! I went to one of their workshops once and loved it!

Elaina said...

It was wonderful! David is so sincere and kind, it's a nice energy to take direction from :)