Monday, February 12, 2007

No Experience Necessary

Okay, so no pictures yet, but here is the rundown.

I have been practicing hatha yoga for about 10 years, but very sporadically, and ashtanga for only 7 months. So, my current practice is the primary series up to Supta Kurmasana...Although sometimes I get to cheat and do other asana past this in my led primary classes! :)

My first ashtanga class was at the University of Texas' recsports classes with the most wonderful teacher named Pamela Brewer. After my first class I knew that this would be a life long journey. I don't think that I have ever connected with anything the way I have with this practice. I realize that I am only 7 months in, but it is a similar feeling to when I fell in love with my husband...I just knew that this was it for me!

Since then, I have been practicing at Yoga Yoga here in Austin. I'm attending Mysore and led classes with two teachers. Today's practice was led primary. I've recently injured my right shoulder (pinched nerve from asymmetrical chatarangas I think) and my left ankle (from Mari D I think), so I skipped the vinyasas between sides and was very careful with Mari D on the right side, no binding for me on that side.

I've been toying a lot with jumpbacks and throughs lately. I'm now finally able to jump through with crossed shins with some amount of control....but my jump backs are still pretty atrocious, with me tipping back, landing on my shins, then pushing off into chataranga dandasana...I am consciously working on jumping through/back because I feel that my practice lacks a certain amount of flow without them...It's harder to keep my breath on and rolling.

So, I promise some pictures soon! And I'll probably post thoughts/themes from my teacher training classes, because I love them, and it's a good way to document that process, too!

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