Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A taste of the old days...

Last night I went, *gasp*, shopping! I haven't been shopping purely for recreation in months! I also got to hang out with one of my very best friends that I have been neglecting as a result of my practicing and training all the time...luckily she is a pharmacist with a serious boyfriend and is almost as insanely busy as I am! Anyway, we went out shopping for clothes, and while I did buy some yoga gear, I even managed to buy some work clothing as well. It was really nice to take a day off and see her. It's funny how special spending quality time with close friends becomes as you get older and commit yourself in more and more directions. It makes every visit a special occasion, which is kind of nice.

Tonight I plan to go to led primary. Right now I have to go to the same teacher every class, as I have to fill so many hours practicing with my mentor for my teacher training. I'm looking forward to finishing those so that I can branch out to new times and teachers...freshen things up a bit. Also I chose my mentor based on convenience, as he teaches in the evenings after work at the studio right near my house, and I'm craving some other teachers with different teaching styles.

It's interesting that this teaching program is nine months long. At first that turned me off a bit, as other programs are much shorter, but now I am really glad. It is an awful lot of material, and it is great to have time to let it sink in and notice how it applies to my life and the world around me. I'm loving this process, and feel a great transformation is beginning.

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