Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

No practice today so that I can spend the day with my husband. It couldn't come at a better time anyway as I am super tired from work, practice the last four days in a row, and what I assume is my own natural rhythm. I just seem to tap out once a week or so.

I've been thinking a lot about the involvement of the mind in my practice. I feel like many asana are much more mental than physical. For example, headstand for me is all about my confidence level. I can do it at home just fine (even the headstand cycle), and in class, not so much, I don't even try really... I just don't want to fall, much less in front of everyone. I hate that it is only me standing between me and my headstand, it's a war within myself.

I've also been thinking about the involvement of the mind in injury. I've had this shoulder tweaky thingy for a few weeks, and while I was convinced it was a pinched nerve, I'm now wondering if I'm only convincing myself that it is. It seems like some of my "injury" has been invented by my mind, as soon as I allowed it to not be an injury, it isn't bothering me very much at all. It's a goal of mine to use my practice to cut through this bull*&^% that my mind creates, and be aware of what is really going on within my body. I also think that it is possible that I may misinterpret an "opening" or change within my body brought on by practice as an "injury". This may all be semantics, but it seems like some pain and change could be a good thing.

Any thoughts?

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