Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weight! I have issues...

So, ugh, lately I have been thinking about my weight...I thought I had managed to escape a few of my body issues, but I made the mistake of weighing myself recently, and the number surprised me, a lot...Then today I read Yoga Chickie's post about losing weight to make Supta K easier...ewe, then I started thinking I should make an effort to lose some weight to see if that's true...It's been months since I thought I looked "fat", and I doubt much has changed with my body over the last 24 hours, but my mental outlook sure has...hate urge to....judge...myself...ugh

Today will be mysore with the teach...I'm excited about it, and hope that I can leave my mind at the door. I would love to have a practice today where I listen to my body and let it guide me through, so that I can be in a more contemplative and meditative state, rather than a competitive one :)

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